Study on sterilization effect of pulsed light killing microorganism in the physiological saline 脉冲强光对生理盐水中微生物杀灭效果的研究
Both of them formed self-aggregated nanoparticles in physiological saline and the self-aggregated behavior were studied by fluorescence probe technique. 脱氧胆酸-壳聚糖、叶酸-壳聚糖-脱氧胆酸在水相中通过透析处理均能形成自聚集体,利用荧光探针技术研究其自聚集行为。
The Effect of Flushing the Abdominal Cavity with Physiological Saline at Different Temperature on Patients'Vital Signs 不同温度的生理盐水冲洗胸腔对患者的生命体征的影响
The inner side of the forceps sheet of the utility model is provided with a duct for flowing physiological saline and a switch device for controlling the on-off of the duct. 在电凝镊的镊片内侧有用来流通生理盐水的导管以及控制此导管通断的开关装置。
The Effect of Hypothermy Physiological Saline Lavage to Cortex in Rabbits with Penicillin-induced Epilepsy 低温生理盐水皮层灌洗对青霉素致痫家兔的影响研究
Objective Probe into the patient of internal hemorrhage of whole ventricles of the brain, take pairs of side ventricles of the brain physiological saline develop nursing measure of drainage continuously. 目的探讨全脑室内出血患者采取双侧侧脑室生理盐水持续冲洗引流的护理措施。
Executing animal and taking material: weighting animal, abdominal anaesthesia by pentobarbital natrium, perfusion by heparin and physiological saline. 动物处死及取材:动物称重,戊巴比妥钠腹腔麻醉。肝素生理盐水灌流。
Those in the control group underwent the same way of injection with physiological saline simultaneously. 对照组则注射与地塞米松等体积的灭菌生理盐水。
The study used physiological saline as the simulated body fluid in the simulation experiment of the magnetic bio-ceramic in vitro. 采用生理盐水对磁性生物陶瓷进行了体外模拟实验,并进行了相关的动物实验。
Compare with physiological saline and furosemide by the same method. 同样方法以生理盐水、呋塞米片为对照。
Group D was injected with physiological saline as control group. 组注射等容量的生理盐水。
Methods Lashing, liquefying hematoma with ice physiological saline mixed with heparin and urokinase. 方法用含尿激酶,肝素的冰生理盐水冲击,液化颅内血肿并引流。
Corresponding control groups stimulated with isotonic physiological saline. 分别设置相应的对照组,对照组用等渗盐水刺激。
The donor hearts were arrested with cold St. Thomas cardioplegia solution, preserved with cold physiological saline. 供心用冷St.Thomas停搏液,冷生理盐水保存;
The experimental groups were injected collagenase under sheaths, and the control groups were injected physiological saline respectively. 实验趾和对照趾腱鞘内分别注入胶原酶和生理盐水。
In this paper, the viscosity of fresh and anticoagulant plasma with different concentration were studied by using physiological saline as diluent. 本文采用生理盐水稀释,对不同浓度的抗凝新鲜血浆的粘度特性进行了研究。
The concentration of 1. 3-1. 4 percent physiological saline is the best for the spermatocytes. 精母细胞最适的生理盐水浓度是1.3%&1.4%。
Methods: Using the physiological saline direct smear method and iodine stain method to examine the feces. 方法:粪便生理盐水直接涂片法,粪便涂片碘染液法。
Group A: SD to Wistar rat heart transplantation, treated with physiological saline injection peritoneum twice daily; A组:SD到Wistar大鼠异体心脏移植,术后受体每日两次生理盐水lml腹腔注射作为对照组;
N group and M group were filled physiological saline. N组、M组灌服生理盐水。
In addition, the importance of preventing aseptic cerebritis by rinsing cystic cavity with warm physiological saline is emphasized. 另外强调囊腔温盐水冲洗,防止无菌性脑炎重要性。
Bailing Capsule with physiological saline solution into certain concentration suspension. 百令胶囊用生理盐水溶解成一定浓度混悬液。
NS Group and PTZ group given physiological saline gavage, VPA group, PHT group and LTG group given the medicine gavage, continues for three weeks, completes the intervention. 然后NS组和PTZ组给予生理盐水灌胃,VPA组、PHT组和LTG组给予药物灌胃,持续3周,完成干预。
The rats of health control group were given injection of physiological saline, in the same way. 对照组大鼠仅给予等量生理盐水。
Group A is not bleeding, blood vein before pushing the same measuring physiological saline injection. A组不放血,采血前静脉推注同等计量的生理盐水。
The standard material was diluted by serum and physiological saline, then the sample was tested. 7. 标准品的稀释。同时用3份转氨浓度不同的血清和生理盐水对标准品进行稀释,将稀释后的样品进行测定。统计分析测定结果。
The normal control group was treated with Physiological saline instead of OVA. 正常对照组用等量的生理盐水进行激发。
Combined with the research purpose, the magnetic field cryopreservation freezing test bench was designed and set up. Based on the experimental platform, freezing experiments were carried out on water, physiological saline and pork samples. 结合研究目的,本文设计并搭建了磁场辅助冻结实验台,基于实验台对水、生理盐水、猪肉三种样本进行了冷冻实验。